Bits and bobs
This morning
For shame
I am embarrassed to admit this, but the other evening, I couldn’t face another night with Stephen Hindley’s A Short History of the Crusades (great book, but I needed something a little lighter weight), so I bought this week’s issues of US Weekly and In Touch. Yes, I know, it’s bad, but sometimes you just need that kind of fix (I did feel myself getting dumber as I read them). It was unnecessary to buy both of them, since they are virtually the same magazine. I think In Touch came later, so I guess it has completely ripped off the US Weekly formula. You can’t argue with success, right? They both had big stories about the alarming slimness of Lindsay and Nicole. Ho hum. Thin, marginally talented starlets, whatever. They both had the requisite Angelina-Brad-Jen story (In Touch: “Brad wants to adopt?”; US: “Jen to have sexy makeover so she can be more like Angelina!”). Mentions of Bennifer 2 in both (“Jen buys baby clothes!). Lame Star Wars stories (“Ewan and Hayden are hot!”). Not much on the Nick and Jessica juggernaut (that phrase works on so many levels), but these issues came out before the faux divorce story hit the internet. Plenty of pics of badly dressed celebrities, the part I like best. One problem with these magazines is that in order to fill 80 pages or whatever, they inevitably turn to the B and C list stars. Supporting cast members of CSI spin-offs: definitely B list. Jenny McCarthy: totally C list. Stick to the A list, people, that’s what we all want. Well, me at least. How sad is it that I am actually considering getting a subscription to US?Toxic
This weekend
I’ll be getting my bbq on at least once. I’ll hopefully catch up with some friends in from out of town. Other than that, not too much planned. Hope everyone has a great weekend. I leave you with this celebrity gossip tidbit. It’s not for the faint of heart (or stomach).
At 5/31/05, 7:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
maybe the carpet has something to do with the nosebleed? maybe....L
At 5/31/05, 7:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
ps. Bryce, your news was hiLARious, where's your blog? (And did they really get rid of underage executions? read a tiny tid-bit about that in the german press.) -L
At 5/31/05, 7:33 PM,
Lady Tiara said…
i have added a link to bryce's blog under my links section.
the carpet is probably at least indirectly related to the bleeding, if only that the toxic smell has been irritating my sinuses and i've had to blow my nose a lot, so it's kind of a mess. hopefully, it's nothing more sinister than that.
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