Really annoying celebrities
Today's topic is celebrities I can't stand. A few weeks ago, I would have said Paris Hilton was at the top of my list, simply because she's completely annoying and lacks any reason for existence, but hating Paris is just so easy. She gives you so many reasons, it's hard to even work up any enthusiasm these days.
So I am having to try a little harder with annoying celebrities. Among my latest annoyances are:
1. Sienna Miller. Why am I confronted with this woman every time I look at US Weekly? And I open up this month's VF to discover that she has made their "Best-Dressed List." Best dressed? She wears peasant skirts and cowbow boots for crying out loud. In VF, she lists “anything to do with animals” as one of her fave charities, yet in the picture she is wearing a fur vest. She cares about animals except when they are being clubbed to death? She is famous mainly for being Jude Law's fiance. Her other big claim to fame is her role as Keen Eddie's annoying British roommate (who I was convinced was played by Melissa George of Alias fame for months, before Brian finally convinced me otherwise. Guess that shows what an impact Sienna's performance had on me). Why do I find her so annoying? Well, it's not just Jude Law jealousy. I have issues with people who are famous for no apparent reason, and she falls into that category. I have just discovered that she will play Edie Sedgwick in an upcoming biopic. Another reason to hate her. I dressed as Edie for Halloween one time in high school. I'm not convinced Sienna has what it takes to portray Warhol's tragic muse.
2. Kimora Lee Simmons. My intense dislike of her began a couple of years back, when Vogue did a piece about New Yorkers who made a difference post-9/11. Her husband Russell Simmons does a lot of serious charity work, but she spoils the effect by saying, “The most fashionable thing you can do is give back to the community. People need to realize that it’s fashionable to help others.” Yes, I’m sure all those people who gave so generously to 9/11 relief efforts would be delighted to know that Kimora approves of their fashionability. What a moron. This month’s VF (they have a lot to answer for) has a fawning profile of her. They talk about how she puts her two small children in all her Baby Phat ads as if that isn't at all exploitative. I stopped reading when she started talking about all the women who are after her shriveled creepy old man husband (who hooked up with her when she was a teenager and he was 20 years her senior). “I will beat a bitch’s ass,” she says. (Note to self, drop plan to convince Russell that I am the one for him. She is an amazon and could totally take me.) She also said she feels like Coretta Scott King, which is so beyond insulting, I can barely comment on it.
3. Renee Zellwegger. I don’t deny that she can act, but ugh, she is just so annoying, what with those teeny tiny little eyes and the way she always carries on about her “immigrant parents.” Her parents are from Norway and Switzlerland. I’m so sure Northern European Aryan type immigrants faced horrible discrimination in the post-War World II U.S. She also strikes me as someone desparate to please and be liked, and that is just so not movie star. Take a lesson from Angelina Jolie.
And just so you don’t think I only hate women:
4. Ben Affleck. I have always found him kind of annoying, but it reached a fever pitch during the publicity-fueled romance with J.Lo. I won’t go into great detail, but here are a few annoying things about Mr. Affleck: 1. J.Lo. I know it’s over, but still. 2. Gigli. The 20 people who saw it want their money back. 3. His professional poker career. 4. His dull, dull, dull on an off screen persona. He’s just so bland. I just don’t get the attraction. Everytime I see him with Jennifer Garner, I want to scream, “you dumped Michael Vartan for this?!”
That’s all the bile I have the stomach for today. Who are your least favorite celebs? Come on, don’t be shy.
So I am having to try a little harder with annoying celebrities. Among my latest annoyances are:
1. Sienna Miller. Why am I confronted with this woman every time I look at US Weekly? And I open up this month's VF to discover that she has made their "Best-Dressed List." Best dressed? She wears peasant skirts and cowbow boots for crying out loud. In VF, she lists “anything to do with animals” as one of her fave charities, yet in the picture she is wearing a fur vest. She cares about animals except when they are being clubbed to death? She is famous mainly for being Jude Law's fiance. Her other big claim to fame is her role as Keen Eddie's annoying British roommate (who I was convinced was played by Melissa George of Alias fame for months, before Brian finally convinced me otherwise. Guess that shows what an impact Sienna's performance had on me). Why do I find her so annoying? Well, it's not just Jude Law jealousy. I have issues with people who are famous for no apparent reason, and she falls into that category. I have just discovered that she will play Edie Sedgwick in an upcoming biopic. Another reason to hate her. I dressed as Edie for Halloween one time in high school. I'm not convinced Sienna has what it takes to portray Warhol's tragic muse.
2. Kimora Lee Simmons. My intense dislike of her began a couple of years back, when Vogue did a piece about New Yorkers who made a difference post-9/11. Her husband Russell Simmons does a lot of serious charity work, but she spoils the effect by saying, “The most fashionable thing you can do is give back to the community. People need to realize that it’s fashionable to help others.” Yes, I’m sure all those people who gave so generously to 9/11 relief efforts would be delighted to know that Kimora approves of their fashionability. What a moron. This month’s VF (they have a lot to answer for) has a fawning profile of her. They talk about how she puts her two small children in all her Baby Phat ads as if that isn't at all exploitative. I stopped reading when she started talking about all the women who are after her shriveled creepy old man husband (who hooked up with her when she was a teenager and he was 20 years her senior). “I will beat a bitch’s ass,” she says. (Note to self, drop plan to convince Russell that I am the one for him. She is an amazon and could totally take me.) She also said she feels like Coretta Scott King, which is so beyond insulting, I can barely comment on it.
3. Renee Zellwegger. I don’t deny that she can act, but ugh, she is just so annoying, what with those teeny tiny little eyes and the way she always carries on about her “immigrant parents.” Her parents are from Norway and Switzlerland. I’m so sure Northern European Aryan type immigrants faced horrible discrimination in the post-War World II U.S. She also strikes me as someone desparate to please and be liked, and that is just so not movie star. Take a lesson from Angelina Jolie.
And just so you don’t think I only hate women:
4. Ben Affleck. I have always found him kind of annoying, but it reached a fever pitch during the publicity-fueled romance with J.Lo. I won’t go into great detail, but here are a few annoying things about Mr. Affleck: 1. J.Lo. I know it’s over, but still. 2. Gigli. The 20 people who saw it want their money back. 3. His professional poker career. 4. His dull, dull, dull on an off screen persona. He’s just so bland. I just don’t get the attraction. Everytime I see him with Jennifer Garner, I want to scream, “you dumped Michael Vartan for this?!”
That’s all the bile I have the stomach for today. Who are your least favorite celebs? Come on, don’t be shy.
At 3/24/05, 8:00 PM,
JB said…
Um, Wendy O. Williams. And Howard Stern. And Cousin Sal from the Jimmy Kimmel Show. Basically, any "celebrity" who thrives off of making other celebs uncomfortable on camera. Not like Will Sasso and Alex Borstein used to do it on Mad TV - where they'd end up making more fun of themselves than the actual people they interviewed. No, the self-important, "I wanna see you squirm in your seat" types.
And the networks that hire them! Yuck.
At 3/24/05, 9:03 PM,
Kathryn Is So Over said…
Something else to hate about Renee: she dyes her hair to match the hue of her current lover's locks. See: Jack White - black hair; Damien Rice - red hair; Jim Carrey - dark blonde/light brown hair. Sad.
I hate Sienna Miller too. Have you seen Alfie?
At 3/25/05, 3:35 PM,
Lady Tiara said…
all very good examples, jb. isn't wendy o. dead? or i am confusing her with another punk rock porn star?
ah, renee. i hadn't even made the hair connection. that's awful. and she looks terrible with brown and red hair. stick to the blonde, renee. have not seen alfie. i am seriously behind in viewing recent jude law films, but he's just made so many. brian just signed up up for netflix, and we have a couple of his recent releases on the list. time to start catching up.
At 3/25/05, 7:31 PM,
Kathryn Is So Over said…
I heart Netflix. Please tell me I Heart Huckabees is on the list? That's one of the next ones I need to watch. I've had Netflix for about four years and I loooove it. Super convenient.
At 3/29/05, 6:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
best blog EVER. I'm sure Renee will be glad she's moved down from the #1 position, but Sienna's worth it--so 2D generic hollywood blonde.
Lumped in with Ben (thank you!) I put Matt Damon and Tobey McGuire: the uber-bland all-american frat boy. So totally not my type and so totally BORING. (oh and I guess Tom Cruise fits in here too, I've hated him forEVER--can you see his giant ego or is it just me?)
Can't stand the sight or sound of Beyonce, I feel like she's being *forced* upon me everywhere. J.Lo too, how can someone spend so much on clothes and still look so cheap?
And here's one I had to rethink: Sandra Bullock. Previously couldn't stand her because all her movies looked so predictably dumb. But then I actually saw one (and it was dumb) but she was surprisingly good. Now I think she's talented and pretty but makes dumb movies.
Let's do celebrities we love too...
At 3/29/05, 6:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
sorry, that was me, Lisa. could you tell by my likes and dislikes?
At 3/29/05, 8:16 PM,
Kathryn Is So Over said…
Lisa, I could definitely tell that was you! I've been thinking about this topic off and on, and I would like to add the following hate-worthy celebs:
Tara Reid - really, what positive thing has she ever done?
Mischa Barton - she is a horrible actress and I could not care less about her and her heir boyfriend.
Jessica Simpson - I watch every episode of Newlyweds, but mostly because I find her sheer idiocy and bloated ego oddly fascinating.
Joe and Tina Simpson and Lynn Spears - horrible, scary showbiz parents who are also overly involved. Especially Joe Simpson. His fascination with Jessica's virginity borders on the obscene.
Dashmi - I am so over Ashton, with or without Demi. But especially with.
That'll do.
At 3/29/05, 9:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
OH, and Etta I ALSO was once Edie Sedgewick for halloween! what are the chances? And considering you were in high school and I was just out it may have even been the SAME halloween, maybe 1986? I had short black hair (not a wig), black tights, miniskirt, a fake leopoard jacket (not sure I ever saw her wear one but the era seemed right), tons of black eyeliner, and went to an Andy Warhol book signing at Lamda Rising. Later someone stole the autographed copy of EDIE from the bookshelf (in a shared house) and I'm still fuming! Did you carry that book around with you everywhere for about a year like me? --Lisa
At 3/29/05, 11:31 PM,
Lady Tiara said…
oh my god! i think that was 1986. i had a short bob back then, so i gelled my hair and pushed it up sort of the way she wore it. i wore a black miniskirt and a black sleeveless turtleneck, which was kind of my uniform at the time, so it wasn’t much of a costume. i read that book at least three times during high school. i have no idea what happened to it. someone probably stole it.
i’m totally in agreement on tom cruise. i don’t even think he’s all that attractive (really tiny eyes), and the whole shoving scientology down your throat thing is really annoying. matt damon doesn’t bother me all that much. yeah, he’s a little bland, but he’s a good actor and he keeps a pretty low profile, which gives me less opportunity to dislike him.
tara reid is a perfect addition to the list. she is such a complete waste of space. i really like how every couple of months she tries to play down her party girl image by giving interviews in which she says things like, “i’m not a party girl. people just don’t understand how smart i am. i read a lot of books.” (ok, i’m paraphrasing, but she definitely said something along these lines.)
hmmh, maybe my next post will be celebrities i like… i should be able to come up with a few.
(btw, “i heart huckabees” is on the list. i think half of our netflix list is jude law movies. i have a lot of catching up to do.)
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