tiaras optional

"My only argument is with those who do not view the world as cynically as I do." Michael Korda

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Cry-y-y-ing over you

Kathryn had an interesting post about crying and how one occasionally has the urge to just let loose with the tears. I was thinking that my life has been relatively tear-free in recent months, but then this morning when I was walking to work, I felt like bursting into tears, for no apparent reason. Perhaps some background is necessary. I’ve been pretty busy and stressed this week, and I was really tired last night, so I went to bed at a relatively early hour. I woke up at 3 a.m. feeling the beginnings of a migraine. Oh joy. So I dragged myself out to the kitchen, consumed some caffeine and advil, and held the headache at bay. Unfortunately, the caffeine meant that I didn’t get much more sleep, so this morning I was operating on not enough sleep, it was really hot already, and I was listening to the Cowboy Junkies first album, which is extra-depressing (it’s slow and moody and has cheery songs about miners dying of silicosis, burying your love down by the river, and a cover of Hank Williams’ “I’m So Lonesome I Could Cry”). Maybe all these things were just a bad combination? I didn’t actually cry, just felt like I wanted to. It passed and I am feeling relatively normal, if a bit bedraggled.


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