Please Tell Me Who to Vote for
As you may know, there is going to be an election soon. The actual election is on Nov. 7, but the primary on Sept. 12 is the real election, since DC always elects Democrats as Mayor. I’ve been avoiding the election coverage as much as possible, but since the date is rapidly approaching, I thought it might be a good idea to familiarize myself with the candidates and figure out which one I should vote for.
The big names and frontrunners at the moment are Adrian Fenty (Councilmember for Ward 4) and Linda Cropp (Council Chair). I’m not a fan of either. Cropp has always struck me as a bit shrill, and she flip-flops all over the place. Also, her volunteers are a bit overzealous and one of them blocked my way on the street the other day and could have put out my eye with their excessive sign waving (those things have pointy corner, people). Luckily, I was wearing my trademark ginormous Jackie O-style sunglasses (style and safety in one fabulous package). I can’t get behind her signage placement activities either. Although rather hot, Fenty has a total student council douchebag vibe that just leaves me cold. When a wine blog asked the candidates about their favorite wines, he answered, “Please know that the Councilmember rarely drinks and encourages everyone to drink responsibly. However, his wine preference is a red from all regions, particularly
Michael Brown is a former lobbyist and the son of the late Secretary of Commerce Ron Brown. His web site takes forever to load and plays a truly awful awful song, with lyrics like:
Get down with Brown
He’s running for mayor in this town
He knows just what to do
He’s looking out for you.
And there is no option to turn the music off, so he lost my vote.
Marie Johns is a former telecom executive. She seems very earnest, and her motto is “different.real.better!”, which is one of the worst mottos ever, particularly with the exclamation point. But overall, she doesn’t seem too bad, and I like that she’s not a DC Councilmember, since they pretty much all suck.
Vincent Orange is the Councilmember for Ward 5. I don’t know a whole lot about him, but his web site was one of the better ones and didn’t have anything terribly laughable about it, so I’m not ruling him out. If you can tell me anything about his politics, that would be a big help.
I had never heard of Nestor Djonkam, and all I know about him is that he was born in
I had never heard of Artee Milligan either, but at least I was able to access his web site. The site gives a list of issues and “where Artee stands on the issue.” These issues include baseball, affordable housing, and some rather odd ones, like “imaginative,” “listens to people,” and “good at reaching agreements.” I’m confused. Where do the other candidates stand on the issue of “imaginative”?
David Kranich is the Republican candidate and thus doesn’t stand a chance in these parts.
Chris Otten is the Statehood Green party candidate. I know that in theory, I should probably like the Statehood Green party (I’m in favor of statehood and I’m all about the environment), but in practice, I just can’t get into it. Also, he used the phrase Mother Earth in his platform statement and I can’t get past that.
So, if you have a favorite candidate, please tell me why I should be voting for them. Alternatively, if you have concrete evidence that any of the candidates are total douchebags, I would appreciate knowing that too. Thanks.
At 8/16/06, 10:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
Johns worked for Verizon, and Verizon is the devil. Fenty is a douche bag nacho supreme. Orange put out a campaign survey replete with mispellings.
I'm not voting. If this is the best DC has to offer, we're all screwed.
At 8/16/06, 10:48 PM,
JordanBaker said…
Vincent Orange pretty much hates the gays and loves the people who like to come in from Maryland to go to church and double park. Oh, and his entire home is decorated in Orange. That's all I needed to hear not to vote for him.
I'll vote for Linda Cropp. . .if she agrees to bend over and let me shove the two pronged metal post from the sign her lackies put in my yard--without permission--up her ass.
Actually, I shouldn't make promises like that because given how much she whores herself for votes already, she'd probably agree.
At 8/16/06, 10:55 PM,
Big Sky Girl said…
I'm happy to see that Linda Cropp was not contained on the list. Voting for her would be like voting for satan.
I like Kranich but as an elephant he has not chance. I'd go with Johns. She's the only one that strikes me as interested in trying something new instead of the same old promises without delivery.
At 8/17/06, 2:06 PM,
bryc3 said…
you know, i nearly wrote something identical to this yesterday. i'm in exactly the same boat.
cropp and fenty aren't worth discussing.
i'm 100% behind rcr on the johns at verizon issue. she could get us statehood and get MLB to pay for the stadium and i still wouldn't vote for her.
i was going to just go with orange, despite knowing very little about him. is it well-documented that he really is anti-gay? a former co-worker (who couldn't possibly be more gay) was a big supporter.
At 8/17/06, 3:32 PM,
Lady Tiara said…
rcr: i can't get behind a candidate who doesn't even bother to proofread. and yeah, it's depressing that these are the only options.
jb: i had this vague feeling i had heard something orange not being exactly gay-friendly, but my cursory research hadn't revealed anything. i love the gays, so i can't support a candidate who hates them (and isn't being anti-gay kind of shooting yourself in the foot in certain neighborhoods?). and yes, linda cropp would probably do that for your vote.
bsg: johns doesn't seem so bad, but i'm having trouble getting past the evil corporate empire thing, which is probably very short-sighted of me. i may have to get over it since all the other candidates are so awful.
bryc3: agreed on cropp and fenty. that these two are the frontrunners is just sad. i'm going to do more research on johns. and i'm looking into the orange/gay thing. i vaguely recall hearing something about this, so i'll look into it.
At 8/18/06, 12:36 AM,
Anonymous said…
Orange was on channel 5 last weekend talking about how his opponents were not morally fit for office because they supported gay marriage.
At 8/18/06, 3:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
interesting to me that people slam johns for working for Verizon, instead of looking at the character it took for her to rise in the white-male dominated telecommunications industry. She literally went from public housing, to first in her family to attend college, to a secretary, to a CEO managing a $700 million budget and 2000 employees. And all the while she did it as a working mother. meanwhile, she started job trainign programs for kids while the DC government was failing at it. And she placed a technology learning center in every ward. "Johns worked for Verizon and Verizon is the devil" is simply short-sighted and ignorant. Look at the needs of our ciy, and look at the qualifications of the candidate. Who has given in service (when not running for office); who has management experience; and who has character. I'd urge everyone to attend a forum or try to meet Johns in person -- then you will know she's the right person for the job. There will be no more "If this is the best DC has to offer, we're all screwed." Instead you will feel, "holy shit. i can't believe we have the chance to get someone who is this cool." (even if you think her slogan sucks).
At 8/18/06, 10:51 PM,
Lady Tiara said…
everett w: yup, i heard about this. i'm very unimpressed.
gk: thanks for this comment. definitely some food for thought here.
At 8/19/06, 4:34 AM,
Anonymous said…
Once again this election year, we are staring in the face of another opportunity to do what's right versus following the hype. We have the choice to continue with the same old scenario, or we can step outside this self-constructed box that continues to restrict our best chances for a District of Columbia that works for everyone in 2006 and beyond.
Somehow one of those rare exceptions grew out of the rubble and stench of status quo DC politics --- a true exception that's been staring us right in the face because, in fact, he is one of us. This reflection, shadow, dark horse --- this candidate --- appears as the combination of all our frustrations, fears, hopes and struggles for what we want our city to be, but are strangely afraid to elect.
I am no one special, other than the fact that I have lived, voted and raised a family in DC for the last 34 years. This is why it is no great difficulty in introducing everyone and anyone to someone I truly consider very special --- and its a damn shame I can't vote for him in the Primary because I'm a Independent. If you are someone who cares about where we are, have been, and how we're living in the District --- my best informed assessment of a candidate that really matters is DC mayoral candidate Dennis Moore.
This may be one of the most dangerous times to judge a candidate by their covering, our blind partisan prejudices, fear-filled perceptions --- or worse, elect a mayor based on campaign hype. If this is your only chance to know him, considering the usual attention and excessive hype over the so-called "front runner" candidates for mayor, I hope you use it to check this exceptional mayoral candidate out --- including his determination as a write-in candidate.
The more words I say here, the less you will have time to read about what I am thankful to have discovered. Just visit him at his information-packed web page ( ), and you will know for certain we no longer have to settle for the same, less or worse anymore. There's even a 1-hour radio interview clip in case you never get to hear the true substance of his passion and plans through other DC media.
No doubt, from all the phoney and predictable "front runner" media hype, you have checked-out the Democrats too. Substantively, what's different and better will be all too obvious.
As quoted from his web site, "DC does not mean Dumb Citizens." But maybe it does mean Disgusted Citizens. There is absolutely no doubt, as a District educator and parent, Dennis Moore has made me an optimistic believer (and engaged voter) again in the future of life and living in the District of Columbia.
If you're properly registered before the September 12th Primary, and the November 7th general election, writing-in or voting-in M-O-O-R-E will make you feel much better than having settled for the usual suspects --- or L-E-S-S.
At 8/22/06, 2:37 PM,
Lady Tiara said…
i've never heard of dennis moore as he is not on the ballot. not to sound terribly negative, but in this crowded field, does a write-in candidate even have a chance?
At 8/27/06, 5:40 AM,
Anonymous said…
At age 45 I hate being spoon-fed anything...especially news and information...and I hate feeling like I've been bamboozled after an election...after the last three mayoral elections I'm now saying ENOUGH IS ENOUGH...I (We) have to get serious about substance, integrity and accountability when it comes to electing a mayor...or we just end up with more MAYOR MISTAKES every four years...the fascination and hype over Adrian Fenty in particular, as well as Linda Cropp and assorted other "front runners"... I've FINALLY come to realize is the true source of what's strangling the socioeconomic progress that most of us complain about year after year...and into another decade...the fact that we're still not a state while suffering from nearly the worst U.S. records when it comes to PER CAPITA educational achievement, affordable housing, homelessness, HIV-AIDS infections, random violent crime, child abuse, spouse abuse, mental disability abuse, joblessness, middle-class displacement and an expanding population of poverty-locked citizens...these are the ugly headlines no one wants to discuss or HYPE during an election year...this is no record of achievement for any of the so-called "front-runners" to brag about when these ills have developed and increased on their watch in fact they act as if WE don't know these problems STILL exist and are GROWING amongst all the condo construction, downtown development, and let's play baseball hype...the tough-to-swallow reality check that I've come to face after 38 years as a D.C. resident is that I can no longer go along with this ongoing political scam or coronation of virtually the SAME quality of candidates from the SAME political party...reviewing the records: factually Fenty is a younger version of Cropp, and Cropp is an older model of what Fenty is NOW...therefore this year I'm saving and VALUING my vote as a lifelong THINKING Democrat...on Election Day this November I'm writing-in or voting-in one of the BACK-RUNNERS who's presenting more substance and reality on what matters most in my city...someone who is outside the box of phony politics and false faces that most of us STILL fall for...this back-runner is a real front-runner on the REAL issues, immediate ACTION, long range THINKING, and a functional PLAN to deal with them...he is DENNIS MOORE...and if many of you are asking "Dennis who?" then blame our local news media for not doing its job of providing equal and substantive news coverage of all the candidates (mayoral and council) running for office in the District...type in: Dennis Moore DC mayor (in Google and Google News), and watch what comes back...once you COMPLETELY check Dennis Moore's web site out then go back and objectively compare him to Fenty, Cropp, Orange, Brown, Johns, especially GOPer David Kranich, and anyone else on any single or group of issues...then ask yourself what is your vote REALLY worth...HYPE or substance...REAL change or more of the SAME...Moore MAY not win in the end over the heavy load of hype...and I hope by some freaky fate I'm wrong THIS time...BUT, to respect the true value of my ONE vote I simply can't swallow the hype AGAIN this year...THIS year I'm voting for:
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