tiaras optional

"My only argument is with those who do not view the world as cynically as I do." Michael Korda

Friday, July 28, 2006

Do I Need to Worry About Hot Flashes Already?

1. I talk with my hands. There’s lots of gesturing. Sometimes it gets a little out of hand and I accidentally smack Lord Kissington while I’m gesticulating wildly. I even talk with my hands while on my cell, which is a complete waste of energy. The other day I was walking home from work and talking on my cell to a friend. After about 10 minutes, I told him I had to go because trying to talk with my hands and hold the phone up to my ear was making my arms ache.

2. Go see the newly renovated American Art Museum/National Portrait Gallery. I’ve always loved this museum, and although there are now many more people there than ever before (if you’re like me and remember the nearly deserted exhibits, this may come as a shock), but the renovation is such a great job, you won’t mind. Just be prepared to say “excuse me” a lot and gently nudge people out of your way. Sneering at people waiting for the elevator because they are too lazy to walk up the stairs is optional, but I always enjoy it. While you’re there, check out the William Christenberry exhibit. I won’t even try to describe it, but it’s really amazing.

3. I have a birthday coming up, and although I try to be ok about getting older, every now and then it freaks me out. However, for the most part I think I deal with it pretty well. Last night, I was going through my mail, and I received a letter from a clinical group doing a study on post-menopausal women. They want to sign me up. Ummh, yes, I’m not as young as I used to be, but hello, I am far from being post-menopausal. I’m still well within my child-bearing years people. I’m just wondering where the hell they got my name?


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