The cutting edge
I try to avoid the prose stylings of conservative columnists in an effort to keep my blood pressure down, but sometimes I just can’t help myself. I have thought for quite a while that conservative columnist Michelle Malkin is an idiot, but this column confirms it for me. It’s all about the new craze that’s sweeping the nation: teenage girls cutting themselves. Yeah, cutting is a new trend. Didn’t I read a big story about it in the New York Times Magazine circa 1995? Michelle is so cutting-edge. She blames the current craze on Hollywood. Ummh, yeah, teenage girls are cutting themselves because they want to be like Christina Ricci. Does anyone want to be like Christina Ricci? Malkin confirms how out of touch she is with this statement: “There is even a new genre of music -- ‘emo’ -- associated with promoting the cutting culture.” I’ll admit that emo is responsible for some bad haircuts and an excess of messenger bags, but cutting?
At 4/1/05, 6:18 PM,
Lady Tiara said…
exactly. this was obviously written by someone who has no concept what emo it. it's not "new," and it's not about girls, except in the sense that they hurt your feelings when they dumped you and now you want to drink lots of beer and play some d&d and that will show her.
At 4/1/05, 6:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
'nitwit'? 'hollywierd'? so soccer mom. "yikes, teenagers are scary!"
and people can't understand why I don't want to have kids...I've been one, don't want anything to do with it.
At 4/1/05, 7:28 PM,
Lady Tiara said…
yeah, teenagers are scary, but this woman is even scarier. if i had a mother who sounded like this, i'd be cutting myself too.
for the record, i do pick at my cuticles, which my ex-boyfriend always claimed was a form of self-mutilation. still, picking at cuticles versus slashing deep gashes on your body? doesn't seem so bad now, does it?
At 4/1/05, 8:43 PM,
Kathryn Is So Over said…
I wonder if she's in cahoots with the braintrust behind "Intervention," the new show about addiction which prominently features a cutter in their promos... Definitely not stylish.
The NY Times (and esp. the magazine) is always behind, though. They only just featured online dating and blogging as the latest, hippest stuff.
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