Well, I seem to have gained back those magical three pounds. Yet, a skirt that used to be way too tight now fits, and the waistline on my wedding dress is now a size too big. So, the exercise is working I guess, even if I am not technically thinner. Maybe I just shouldn’t weigh myself at all. It’s way too easy to obsess. Besides, even if I am not getting thinner, I am enjoying my newfound love of exercise. That’s got to be worth something, and it does seem to be helping with my stress level. (Note to anyone thinking about getting hitched: if you are proposed to, if the answer is yes, arrange for an immediate elopement. This goes for the proposer too. I cannot stress this enough, people.)
I have become so lame that I am forgoing an evening at my favorite bar with some of my favorite people just to work out. And watch Alias, which I’m not even sure I like anymore.* And it’s cold out. I guess I’m moving into hibernation mentality. Time to go store some nuts or something.
*A few thoughts on Alias. I hated the new girl for maybe the first 15 minutes, but I have warmed up to her. I actually like the new guy. But they just seem like a retread of Sydney and Vaughn. And what is up with
At 10/27/05, 7:59 PM,
bryc3 said…
Gary Freedman
Age: 51
Gender: male
Astrological Sign: Capricorn
Zodiac Year: Snake
Occupation: Free Spirit
Location: Washington : D.C. : United States
About Me
I used to be acutely ambitious; now I'm just inner-directed, intelligent, idealistic, and independent in thought and action. I am creative; exquisitely sensitive; deeply curious about others; hungry for love; envious of others' spontaneity; intensely needy of involvement with others; and capable of excitement with carefully selected intimates.
Oh yeah, I'm also either computer illiterate or a fucking psycho. Probably a bit of both.
At 10/27/05, 10:48 PM,
Big Sky Girl said…
don't obsess about your weight. I was in pageants for years and I can tell you its just not worth it. I don't even own a scale anymore. I work out, I eat well and if my pants fit I'm happy. I figure as long as your wedding dress looks good then you are money honey.
At 10/27/05, 11:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
Maybe you gained those 3 pounds back in muscle. It does weigh more than fat. It is good that you actually like working out now. I am starting to enjoy it more and more too. I guess that is the trick...you have to actually start enjoying it in order for it to work and for the ounds to stay off.
At 10/28/05, 10:15 PM,
Lady Tiara said…
thanks for the support! the three pounds are gone again, so i have now vowed to ignore the scale since it's not a good way to measure things. i need to start pulling some old clothes out and trying them out--that will be a much better gauge. and definitely no more obsessing.
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