I have been not very interested in celebrity gossip lately, because for the most part, it’s just rehashed and boring. Angelina is still pregnant and trying to save the world. Nick and Jessica both still suck, just separately these days. Tom Cruise is still batshit crazy. But two recent items in the celebrity world gave me pause.
1. I read something highly disturbing in the latest US Weekly. Now I find everything involving Tom Cruise pretty disturbing, but this item reached new levels of ickiness. Apparently, Tom told reporters that Katie Holmes had changed her name (but has she really? He’s the only one who actually calls her Kate.) because “Katie is a young girl’s name. Her name is Kate now; she’s a childbearing woman.” I know this statement isn’t nearly on the crazy level of “psychiatry is all wrong” and “women can combat postpartum depression by taking vitamins,” but it still skeeved me out. I hope that her contract guarantees her a shitload of money for this whole deal, but I still don’t see how any amount of money would be worth putting up with that creepy, crazy, controlling midget and his weird cult. Run, Katie, run. (I am still somewhat disbelieving of the whole Katie giving birth thing, mainly because she was shoe shopping when she was approximately 10 months pregnant. The end of a pregnancy is not exactly the time to be shopping for new shoes, since your feet tend to be swollen. Just sayin’.)
2. Tori Spelling got married for the second time last weekend. Now, I don’t hate Tori at all. I actually kind of admire her for working everything she’s got (which, admittedly, isn’t much) and for being able to make fun of herself in her new show. But I do wonder about someone who gets married twice in 19 months. From my own experience, it’s rather hard to find even one person one might want to marry, but two in less than two years? That’s pretty incredible. The second wedding was a small private affair on a beach in
At 5/10/06, 3:58 PM,
Kathryn Is So Over said…
Also, Britney finally admitted she's pregnant.
I'm so disappointed in her.
At 5/10/06, 7:53 PM,
JordanBaker said…
I'm more skeptical of Katie than ever after the "accidental" nursing bra exposure.
At 5/10/06, 8:38 PM,
mysterygirl! said…
I heard, though, that Katie is going to get a cool 15 million even if their marriage doesn't work, just for having his kid. That might be enough money to ruin your credibility and career for... maybe.
And I also heard that a rumor that Tori is pregnant! That would thicken the plot.
(and on SoapNet this week was the episode where she wears the mermaid costume that she can't walk in to the Halloween party. Another Classic Donna Costuming Problem)
At 5/11/06, 4:39 AM,
Cupcake Blonde said…
He is the only one who calls her Kate and it always bugs me. She is Katie dammit, from the Creek and I used to love her. Now I'm just scared for her.
Don't forget the Mermaid costume for the Halloween episode that she could barely walk in! Classic 90210.
At 5/11/06, 2:49 PM,
schadenfreude said…
So if she didn't have the baby (which I'm not convinced she did) then who did? Did he just pay someone anonymously? And what about the Ultrasound machine, that is so creepy-wacked. And why would KatIE go along, 17 million isn't that much for an actor, that's a few movies.
So many questions, it's a mystery wrapped in an enigma. I just hope poor Katie knows what she's doing, is it possible she actually likes the guy?
At 5/11/06, 3:21 PM,
Lady Tiara said…
k: i never thought brit was what you might call "smart," but spawning two babies with k-fed sinks to new levels of dumbness.
jb: that nursing bra was extremely suspect. also, the lack of, ummh, well, milk stains is also somewhat suspect, because apparently at this stage, she would be leaking all over the place (shudder).
mg!: 15 million may have sounded good in the beginning, but i'm wondering if it no longer seems like enough to put up with all this crap. if tori is pregnant, the quickie wedding would make more sense. i think her new husband has a very young baby from his first marriage too. i have never seen the mermaid episode. clearly, i have missed out.
amanda: i am very scared for katie (she'll never be kate to me).
schadenfreude: with his money, it's probably not that hard to buy a baby. and that would explain why her pregnancy went on for soooo long. they were waiting for a baby to become available. as for katie, i am getting the feeling she's not very smart. she's totally turned into zombie katie since hooking up with him. it's all "tom is so great. he is so wonderful. we are so happy." stepford katie. who knows what she's learning in those auditing sessions.
At 2/18/20, 10:27 AM,
خدمات منزلية 01016261727 said…
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