Aggressive Walking
I walk to work everyday, and life as a pedestrian in this fair city can be fraught with peril, what with all the drivers who don’t feel it necessary to stop for red lights and stop signs. I handle these near-death experiences with the same serene grace I apply to all other areas of my life (who am I kidding, I’m filled with pedestrian rage). On my commute, I cross one street that has a crosswalk and a very large (approximately 3.5 or 4 feet wide) sign indicating that cars must YIELD to pedestrians in the crosswalk. Apparently, the majority of the drivers that pass through this crosswalk are illiterate or blind as only 1.2% of them ever stop for pedestrians. Given this situation, I generally don’t push my luck with the cars even though I have the right of way because, well, they’re bigger than I am. But this morning, there were no cars coming, so I and a couple of other pedestrians stepped out into the crosswalk. A bicyclist came out of nowhere and yelled at us for being in the crosswalk as he came within inches of running into us. Now, I have a fair amount of sympathy for bike commuters. I mean, they’re helping the environment, and I’m sure riding in the city is just as much of a pain as walking in the city. But I still think they need to follow the rules. So, when this guy broke the rules and had the nerve to yell at us pedestrians, I just lost it. I yelled back “You’re supposed to yield to pedestrian in the crosswalk, you asshole” really loudly. The cyclist yelled something back, but I couldn’t hear him as he was already halfway down the street by then. I reached the curb, my rage completely dissipated by my outburst. I then had to walk through a crowd of approximately 26 people waiting for the bus, quite a few of whom looked askance at me. I suppose I don’t look like someone who would be screaming on the street. And I’m not usually that person. But I do find the occasional use of loud profanity is entirely called for in certain circumstances, this being one of them. As I walked through the crowd, I resisted the urge to say “What are you looking at, fuckers? Why don’t you get off your asses and try walking to work?”, because one loud profanity-laced outburst had already filled my quota for the day.
At 8/23/06, 7:49 PM,
Washington Cube said…
Asshole, asswipe, same difference. You should have thrown in fucktard and dickwad.
At 8/23/06, 8:04 PM,
bryc3 said…
situations like those are precisely the reason why the "C" word was invented. i assure you, no other word in the english language ends as many confrontations.
"blah blah blah, asshole!" says, "oh boy, i'm sure getting angry."
"blah blah blah, c$#t!" says, "if i'm brazen enough to be so coarse with my language in public, it should come as no surprise that my handbag is teeming with firearms."
At 8/23/06, 9:55 PM,
Jamy said…
As a bike and pedestrian commuter, I applaude you. On my bike, I (too often) yell at cars. I ALWAYS yield to pedestrians. I can't stand the cyclsts I see running the red lights and weaving through traffic--they give the rest of us a bad rap.
(Yes, I sometimes run a red light, but only if there is NO ONE around. Not during prime commuting hours.)
At 8/23/06, 10:56 PM,
Carrie Broadshoulders said…
I drive to work occasionally but for the most part walk. I drove to work for years though (no metro accessibility so had to drive). I have sympathy for both. When I'm a pedestrian, I think I own the road. Then again, I do the same thing when I'm driving. I don't my frustration is with "drivers" or "walkers" as much as "dumb fucks" who don't obey the law. I always slow down at crosswalks, even when they are not at intersections. It's the law. And when walking, I dare a bitch to speed through one when I'm trying to cross. As a walker, I also do not cross the street if the light says DON'T WALK. If I'm driving and someone does that and I have to stop to let them pass even though they shouldn't be walking, they get yelled at. And sometimes flipped off. And often called ugly names. :)
I think it's less how people get to work and more about who these stupid assholes are to begin with. They are probably just as annoying and stupid when they are at home not commuting.
At 8/24/06, 12:40 AM,
Anonymous said…
As someone who runs or bikes to work along the Mt Vernon trail on a regular basis, I agree that cyclists can be grade-A pricks. The level of assholeness is usually in direct proportion to the value of their bike and amount of spandex they're wearing.
You should be applauded for your restraint. I had a friend who walked everywhere. He always kept a fist-sized rock in his hand, ready to throw at any driver that gave him grief.
At 8/24/06, 2:26 PM,
Lady Tiara said…
wc: if i had been thinking faster, i might have tried some more creative profanity.
bryc3: i'm not morally opposed to the c word, but it doesn't really leap to mind in the heat of the moment. i do agree, "blah blah blah, c$#t!" totally says "my handbag is teeming with firearms."
jamy: thanks. i've found most cyclists to be very well behaved, but there are always a few jackasses who give everyone a bad rap.
carrie: i agree with you about the dumb fucks. there are plenty of bad drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians out there. as someone who tries to be a good pedestrian (i don't cross against the light, i don't wander in traffic), i resent the ones who don't follow the rules because they make the rest of us look bad. and yeah, i imagine these people are just assholes in all areas of their lives.
pelagius: your friend is far braver than i. i always figure that i don't want to get too agressive with drivers in DC because given the recent crime spree, they might be armed. and a rock isn't going to help me much against a gun. still, it's the kind of thing i fantasize about after some asshole runs a stopsign and nearly hits me.
At 8/26/06, 11:45 PM,
Cupcake Blonde said…
Bikes are supposed to act like cars obeying every rule cars must follow while on the road. Although most cars do not follow these rules so why should the bikes? I really wish there were more traffic cops available to patrol stupid commuters. I'm glad you did not get hurt or run over and your outburst was completely appropriate.
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