tiaras optional

"My only argument is with those who do not view the world as cynically as I do." Michael Korda

Friday, April 01, 2005

Too funny

I just found a parody of the Michelle Malkin article I referenced in the last piece. It's hysterical.


  • At 4/4/05, 5:11 PM, Blogger Kathryn Is So Over said…

    Very funny, indeed. How did you find her blog? I may need to read her more often.

  • At 4/4/05, 7:34 PM, Blogger Lady Tiara said…

    i think the blog came courtesy of wonkette, and the original malkin piece courtesy of gawker. seriously, i would have nothing to say if it weren't for gawker.

  • At 4/4/05, 8:25 PM, Blogger Kathryn Is So Over said…

    I heart Gawker. I can't remember how I found them, but they've been at the top of my surf list for about 6 months (except my lost week not working). I even bought their "Hit me with 10 lbs of Vogue" tee, which I wear proudly to the gym.


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