tiaras optional

"My only argument is with those who do not view the world as cynically as I do." Michael Korda

Friday, February 24, 2006

Putting Things Into Perspective

Today is my one-year blogiversary. I am actually pretty impressed with myself that I have made it this long, given my ADD-level attention span. (Oh look, a new bright shiny object.) But here I am. This will be my 130th post. They haven’t all been winners (very few of them actually), but I’m still cranking them out.

I am pretty sure that I have the bird flu after this morning’s unfortunate incident. Luckily, I was wearing a hat, so the bird flu germs didn’t hit me directly, but I’m going to have to burn the hat, which is a real shame because I like that hat.

I have a great big red blemish on my nose. It was sort of a pimple, but it seems to have moved into generic blemish territory. It’s now been there for a week and shows no signs of going away. It’s also resistant to all forms of concealer. I look like Bozo the Clown. Much like the broken toe, I hope this is cleared up before the wedding.

I’m going to see a out of town friend tonight who has experienced some recent tragedies that make my rambling whinging sound particularly stupid and self-centered. So I’ll just shut up now.


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