Was That My Stomach Lining?
So, I had my second stomach bug of the summer this week. Given the severity, I think this one actually qualifies as the stomach flu. The upside is that I lost 5 pounds. The downside:
1. I couldn’t get out of bed for two days (except for trips to the bathroom for vomit out every last scrap of food in my body) and didn’t leave the house for five days.
2. For the first 24 hours, I was so sick that I couldn’t even read or watch TV.
3. I didn’t put on real clothes until Friday*.
4. I’ve eaten nothing but white foods since Monday (white foods = saltines, plain pasta, plain rice, dry toast).
5. My hair and skin look awful, probably from the complete lack of nutrients the past week (white food not exactly swimming with nutritional goodness).
6. My mother, who is a professional hypochondriac, has been coming up with all sorts of horrible illnesses that she thinks I have. The top candidates: giardiasis (awesome) and hepatitis (even more awesome).
But did I mention that I lost five pounds?
I’m looking forward to an exciting weekend of reintroducing dairy and perhaps some vitamins to my diet.
*I realize there are many who would not think this was a bad thing, but I like clothes and getting dressed in them. I don’t really like spending five days in clothes that I would never wear in public.
Labels: bland foods, flu, vomit
At 7/30/07, 8:22 PM,
JordanBaker said…
Giardiasis--don't know what it is, but it makes me think of Ghiardelli chocolates. It can't be all bad.
At 8/1/07, 2:30 AM,
Lady Tiara said…
sadly, Ghiardelli would be lovely. giardiasis, apparently not so much.
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